Music and Liturgy

The Regulative Principle

As a church we adhere to the Regulative Principle of worship that came out of the Protestant Reformation. The Regulative Principle states that everything we do in our corporate worship is to be clearly spelled out in Scripture. We believe the Lord God cares how we worship Him and has declared that way clearly to us in His Word. Worship is the purpose of our redemption, and we as a church congregation desire to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

The Word of God is to Shape our Worship

As a church we desire to structure our Sunday morning worship gathering in a way that reflects the Lord's commitment to sanctifying His church through His Word. The way to do this is to gather in order to; read the Word, preach the Word, pray the Word, sing the Word, and testify to the Word (ordinances).

The Structure of Trinity's Worship Service

Each Sunday we gather corporately to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ because His gospel of grace changes everything. Each part of the Sunday gathering focuses on the Lord Jesus Christ because such an emphasis glorifies God, edifies the believer, and engages those who are exploring the faith. At a typical Sunday service expect ancient and modern, God-centered and biblically sound hymns and songs, expository preaching of God's Word working through books of the Bible, Scriptural readings, biblical, doctrinal teaching, and weekly communion.


Each week we joyfully enter into together what is happening 24/7 in heaven - the white-hot worship and adoration of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. We start our worship with a gathering song, a welcome and a call to worship in order to get our focus off of ourselves and onto the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we sing a set of songs of praise and adoration to our God. We end this time in a Pastoral Prayer.


Our God is a communicating God who speaks to us through His Son and His book, the Bible. Each week we dig into the Scriptures as our lone authority for what we believe and how we live. It is through the Bible only that we hear the voice of God and are progressively sanctified. This part of our worship includes the reading of Scripture and the expository preaching of God's Word.


We take communion every week because during this time we remember our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim the gospel anew to one another (1 Corinthians 11). In order to prepare to take the Lord's Supper rightly and in response to the preaching of God's Word, we confess our sins through prayer (1 John 1:8-9), and we are assured of God's forgiveness in Christ. Being exposed to the gospel anew in preaching and in the taking of communion elicits a response. In this part of our corporate worship, we respond by singing songs of thanksgiving and renewed commitment to our Lord and His Word.


An encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in worship and word requires a Spirit-filled response to live for His glory and to advance His Kingdom. Isaiah presented himself to the Lord by saying, "Here I am, Lord, send me' (Isaiah 6). Likewise, we end each service with a presentation song, a call to mission, and a benediction.

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